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Saturday, May 28, 2011

I am so happy, extremely happy and ultimate happy today.

We went to Suntec City and saw BlueBay exhibition. We sat down and listen what the sales person can offer to us. Surprisingly, after the sales person presentation, Hubby agreed to sign the package for our Pre Wedding Photoshoot at Taiwan.

I can't believe it!! One of my dream have come true. Hubby granted my dream. I love you Hubby!!!

I am/we are looking forward to 2012

My heart can't stop dancing... ... My smile plus happiness just can't stop showing.

Polaroid of us taken by "YoYo", she is the one who do the talking hahaha...

♥Want Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On MC today due to fever.

My long weekend was great!!! Went to Kukup Malaysia for a 2d1n trip with colleague, Jamie & Yong. We enjoyed!!!

The most memorable part is we are eating on every 3 hours. We eat and eat and eat. It is include in the itinerary, I gained weight omg!!!

A place where we can relax, mahjong, play fire cracker, fish, karaoke, eat, sleep. I want to go there again. A place where I can rest my mind, I believe you will love it too.

Photos is in my camera and 0 in iPhone so upload will be slower haha...


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

♥Want Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ah ting new pet... Pinko

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

♥Want Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My nephew Reyner admit to hospital this morning. Now 4th months old, having bad cough and flu which caused him to have difficulty in breathing. So "ke lian", hope he will get well soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ~ Vonne Chin

♥Want Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

After so long, finally we met with each other at JP. Can I said it is almost 1 year since we last meet up. I am feeling Happy to see u all again, smile on my face. I love all the jokes, "the lizard and cockroach"... ... Haha.

Next meet up session is "K", looking forward to it. It's great that we nv forget e friendship.

They are

♥Want Monday, July 19, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Someone craving for beancurb... ...

Here you go, beancurb, soya bean and what u call the bread things haha I know hokkien.

♥Want Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

After work and now I am on the bus to jurong point, meeting Hubby for dinner. Now i am blogging with iblogger, feel so great with iPhone. I can do whatever things related to Internet with it. Loving it to e max. Now I can blog too. Reached JP going for shopping now bye...
I am back... Bought a dress from sense for just 19 bucks. 1 more dress added in the wardrobe. I love dress because I don't need to mix and match, save me the hassle. Yes I am lazy and not good @ matching clothes. So dress is the best for me. Off we go for our dinner, nice and fattening... ... Back home after dinner...

♥Want Thursday, June 03, 2010

After work and now I am on the bus to jurong point, meeting Hubby for dinner. Now i am blogging with iblogger, feel so great with iPhone. I can do whatever things related to Internet with it. Loving it to e max. Now I can blog too. Reached JP going for shopping now bye...

♥Want Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

28th Feb 2010 Last day of the month for Feb 2010.

A day without outing, staying at hm to rest is the best choice. Helping my mum in the morning to purchase "pai pai stuff" and my eyes is sour now. Going to take a nap after this post.

Yesterday 27th Feb 2010, last minute nv attend Karine invitation for CNY gathering. "So sorry, hope she don't mind". Actually quite "pai sei" cos we already nv attend a total of 2 invitation from her.

As planned, I proceed to Orchard for my shopping with Jamie, my 3rd sis. Ah yong and ah boon join us for dinner. I spent a total of $250 at orchard but half of it is my 3rd sis birthday present. I bought her 2 dress and 1 top, she was complaining she don't have nice clothes so i convert the Ang Pao to gift instead. I love the dress i bought for her. Anyway i can share from her LOL... ... Hers = i can wear, it is free size haha... ...

For me, i bought 2 dress and 1 top plus 1 set of facial cleanser from Avene. I message hubby after my purchase, in short "Hubby i shop you pay". Yeah... ... Since he is in Genting and KL with his friends, i will enjoy myself in singapore and spending without thinking. It is the best and i feel after after all purchase. =p I wanna go back Orchard again, i have not complete my shopping.

While my sis and I was shopping, Jamie is sitting, eating and walking. She is very Busy with all things (not shopping related) She see me SHIOK!!!! She also SHIOK !!! LOL... my own thinking only. After Shopping, my sis left us and we headed for dinner with ah yong and boon at Takashimaya. A lousy Dinner, the food is sucks. I think is one of AJISEN Japanese restaurant, i will not patronize them anymore. 1st and last time.

After dinner, headed home @ 9+. At 1am, Yong ask me for Supper @ Rui Xin dim sum but i rejected and suggest 126 dim sum. Fetch boon and headed to 126, boon treat haha... Yeah... ... Chu liang can treat us eat supper haha... Thanks Boon boon. Then to Mustafa, bought a new ear phone for my MP3 and took a look at the HD TV for hubby room. They happily suggest Samsung LED for 1699 or 2k+ Crazy ah... ... My bf will turn crazy for the price of a 32" and 40". Leave this aside first until hubby is back tonight.

Reach home @ 4am+ and went to bed @ 5am wake up @ 8+am today. Omg... panda eyes... ... so i will be going for beauty slp soon. Zzzzzzzzz... ...

Oh ya... My chance of balloting Dawson had turned to ash, my Q no. is 3000+ with only 1106 supply. I am very sad by the result. When will i get my own flat or do i really need to purchase resale... Let's wait for the market to cool down first. COV too high no $. Y Toto 10 million is not mine???? hmmmm... ...

Awaiting for hubby to come home tonight from KL. Hopefully he will reach SG by 8pm. I do miss him, without him by my side is just like missing an arm. Not so serious lah haha writing rubbish lah... tired tired...bye bye... ...

♥Want Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Finally back from our Bangkok trip. Took an extra day off and will be back to work tomorrow. A busy month for me.

Bangkok 5th Feb to 8th Feb 2010 (A short trip getaway cum 3rd Anniversary)

We never follow the usual plan and have a much relax shopping trip. We give the temple a miss and our time is spent at the most common popular shopping malls. It is much tone down compared to the last Bangkok trip where time is not enough and we sweat like nobody business. I believe Bangkok is not exciting to us anymore. I realised the clothes there is not really that cheap already. I know it is still cheap compare to Singapore but some of the style just don't really match the current trend.

The usual him tailor 3 pieces of shirts and i did 1 for myself too. I look so executive with it. OMG... ...I love it.

The most amazed place we have been is the DOME (State Tower), HIGH UP there 64 storey without wind making a mess of our hair at the bar area. How they do it, i was wondering??? We planned DOME because we wanted to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary, maybe I should say it is a mini silent cosy accompany that we gave each other and symbolize a celebration. We can feel the love we have for each other which allow us to go through these 3 years together. Many years to go on i believe... ...

I had a successful surprised for him. I bought a Oakley eye frame for him as a gift for our 3rd Anniversary. He loves the frame but he never buy it whenever he is in Singapore. My heart was bumping very hard whenever he went in to any specs shop to look at it cos I don't want him to buy. Because at least i can buy something he loves on our special day. I smuggled the gift from Singapore to Bangkok without him noticing it until we are at DOME finishing half of our drinks. I take the gift out from my handbag and said "Hubby this is for you, Happy 3rd Anniversary", He was shocked and said "what it is?" with a guilty look on him at the same time "bi, i did not prepare any gift for you." I said "it's okay!!! I just want you to be happy." He felt touched and I felt Happy too. Hehe... ... A sense of satisfaction in me.

♥Want Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

One of the reasons why i get so sentimental, it’s because memories are the things that don’t change. When everything else does there are things in life that you can’t hold on forever, no matter how much you fight for it. Sometimes destiny isn’t always good, it becomes playful. When you met someone you learned to love, you thought that it was destiny that made your path cross. But what if making your path cross is just a part of the game that the playful destiny creates? Making you realize in the end that the person you thought that was destined for you wasn’t really meant to stay. But only destined to make you feel love and leave you when you’re already fallen.

Letting go is not easy to do. Pretending to be strong and pretending that everything is alright is like killing your self inside that makes you feel worthless. I thought that if you really love someone your love for him/ for her has no limitation and you need to accept what he/ she is. I realized that you can never own something that was never yours so let’s stop gripping on things we expect to last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie, everything is transitory.

So while you have something in your hand put in mind that it’s just borrowed. So that someday when it’s gone, it wont take you eternity just to let it go. When your feelings get strong for someone, it’s always wise to stop for awhile and take a deep breath. A time to use your mind to weigh the situation based on reason not on emotion. because the saddest thing that can happen is when one fall in love while the other wants nothing more than friendship.." love can sometimes be magic, but magic can sometimes be an illusion" there are times when I wish that I was limited to certain emotions so that I’ll never have to experience pain, never feel betrayed or disappointed, and never get my fragile heartbroken.

But the same things mean that I’ll never know how it feels to love and be loved in return. The thought of it kind of scares me… to have a heart that’s whole but numb or a heart that’s broken but real…someday we’ll all be looking back to those days we learned to love, get hurt, cry and fight. Maybe when the time comes, well be laughing to our old dumb selves, realizing how stupid we were to stand up for things we knew weren’t really meant for us. But I guess learning takes time and mistakes makes ones journey fun. Life is what we make it; love makes the world go round. So let’s live, love, and take whatever pain it brings. Though it’s hard to wait around for something that I know will never happen, it’s harder to stop when I knew its everything I’ve always wanted…

♥Want Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2.49am, Was alone in Hubby room now. Alone??? Yes, hubby went back to M hotel for drinking with his fellow friends/Bros.

I am surfing net for almost 3 hrs already, now then i have the feel for blogging. Not a long post too.

At first i plan to upload photo in my blog as i have been missing many updates from Nov 09 to Dec 09. I have many photos during this 2 months but bcos i do not have a card reader for my new SD HC memory card, i piled up all the photos. Just bought a new card reader and adapter from SIM LIM not long ago so now uploading is possible. Now my eyes start to get sleepy, going to sleep soon. I will upload today pictures first, leave other for another day.

Today was Sean & Rebecca wedding, Sean who is one of hubby close friend. Wish them Happy Marriage... ...
Just Reach Home
Leaving soon!!!

Good night!!!!!!!!!!! 3.17am , 17 Jan 2010

♥Want Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oops!!!!!!!! No job hop for me.

A change of decision again. My MD was really sincere to retain me in this Company, I was touch. And he decided to give me increment and the increment is more than what the HR job is offering me. A missed on the HR opportunity but i believe there are more chances to come in the future. Be opened with choices... ...

Now I am a Happy employee at the current stage as in getting the salary which i feel i should be getting and i know i will be unhappy after few more months haha... ... Humans is always greedy.

Now stay put, looking forward to 2010.

And ya, my company just completed our advance Christmas party and I am the organizer. I give myself 70%, there are still room for improvement. My colleagues and bosses have fun with the games which i arranged. And they are really sporting, I actually have fun colleagues. Smile... ... I received good compliment too... hehe...

I received a Body shop makeup with brusher and eyes shadow. Nice!!!!

Okay!!! Bye for now... ...

♥Want Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yeah!!!!!!!! Today I confirmed my new Job offer. Starting my new job as HR on 4th January 2010. A new start for me, I am going to tender my resignation tomorrow 4th Dec 09.

Happy and Sad... But more towards Happy side of me. My salary increase although not those fantastic ones but I am a fresh entry in HR. Most importantly, i can get a taste of HR job. Pursue my want to be job and see whether I am really interested in HR, a stepping stone for me before i decide my future studies. Jia you!

The decision don't come in seconds, i seek advise from my friends, family and hubby. Most of them said give it a TRY. From their support, i got the couraged to accept.

Thank you so much!!!! You all always there for me... ... Smile...

2 dec to 4 dec 2009, I was given 3 days MC for fever and coughing. But I have to go back office to tender my resignation on friday 4 Dec 09. I have a so weird feeling, go back office just for the tender. haha... 1st time in my life. Diao... ... Excited...

Ya!!! Another good news, I bought a new compact camera (Nikon), my canon can throw away haha... ... Abandon her for causing so many problems. My new Nikon gave me good image. It is in PINK ya PINK. Silver and Pink of cos I Choose Pink. Yeah!!! I am a Happy Women now. You know y??

Next Target, DSLR Canon 500D... ... Yippy...

Happy cos I got a new Job. I got a new camera and Hubby knew i was very upset by the bonus thingy, he pampered me with happy actions. Sweet sweet Love.

Looking forward to our 3rd year anniversary Bangkok trip on 5th Feb - 8th Feb 2010. An extraordinary Trip with less shopping and more attraction visit.

This is me today!!!!

♥Want Thursday, December 03, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I took damn long to write and edit tis post. Finally I have finish uploading all the pictures and now i am editing the space in between the photos. I don't know why I always have this problem, do you all have this kind of problem too when you upload photos it will automatically have many spacing in between??? I am half way through getting the spacing out of my post errrrrrr... This is the problem y i don't like to upload photos in blogger. Can blogger do something... humpf....

1st Nov 2009, now i am at SIM University with hubby Lai. He is doing revision on his management module because his exam is around the corner on mid of November. Wish him good luck; I have confident in him as he is a smart boy.

Now, a sum up of October days 2009. Looking back at all the pictures I took during the month of October, I had a fruitful month.

My October 2009 begin here... ...

1st Paulaner chilled out,
2nd Met up with my lovable poly friends Ms Gina and Ms Zendy at Central Mall for dinner and some catch up,

3rd Dinner with Hubby at Dian Xiao Er,
4th Met up at Weewei new house for Bridesmaid fitting and planning,
5th Company Dinner for 2nd quarter closing (making profit),
6th Hubby made his first breakfast for me,
7th Turf club with my colleagues,
8th Dinner with Hubby at Tiong Bahru plaza for Steamboat,
9th Short trip to Goat farm, dog farm, Qian Hu, Frog farm and vegetable farm then to Malaysia for dinner and night market,
10th Met up with Yong, Boon & Ting for Electronics sales at Expo then to Suntec Harvey Norman(Boon purchased his 1st DSLR Canon 500D, I am ADDICTED),
11th Hubby back from Bangkok bought CHELSEA Jersey for me,
12th To Orchard for our Shopping spree,
13th Went to Japanese restaurant for lunch,
14th Met Karine precious baby Jaedon.

This is how I end my October 2009.


I will delete all the pictures and create a video instead. My blog is becoming too lag.

23 Nov 2009

♥Want Sunday, November 01, 2009